Tag Archives: dresses

Interview Wardrobe Ideas for Spring 2010

I am dying for Spring to get here. So the other day, I visited one of my favorite bargain sites, Chadwicks.com, to see if they had any fun, inexpensive dresses to kick off the season. I ended up ordering four.

Many times, Chadwicks has really cheesy clothes, but every now and then I pick up something adorable that gets positive feedback and is well-made. I also never see anyone else wearing it. So I thought about you job hunters. With warm weather finally upon us, I know you’re itching for something new to put into the interview rotation. Chadwicks has several cute dresses I think are appropriate for at least an informational or initial meeting.

They’re also having a fabulous “Dress & Suit Event” and are offering 20 percent off dresses and suits until March 25. $4.99 ships everything. The promotion code is CHDRESSUP.

Check it out!

Photo: Chadwicks.com