Tag Archives: best job in the world

Another “Best Job in the World” Candidate: Tinsley Mortimer

I went to Fashion Week’s Ecco Domani emerging designers show tonight in the Bryant Park tents and sat two rows behind the “celebrity” seats. There, among a couple of C-list CW actresses, sat socialite-cum-fashion entrepreneur Tinsley Mortimer.

The “Page Six” regular was  decked in a hot pink cocktail dress and sported her trademark wavy blonde locks. She was accompanied by some frizzy-haired guy that looked a little like Russell Brand. Like many of her socialite sisters, Mortimer seems to have some handbag and clothing line that’s “huge in Japan”. Yeah, so is Jennifer Love Hewitt. But I digress.

The reason I’m writing about Tinsley is that she must have the best job in the world. I’m guessing she gets paid somehow for showing up at these shows and other events where she preens for the cameras and gets loads of publicity for the brands and labels she’s “endorsing”. She gets to dress up in gorgeous clothes and make the rounds at some of the most fabulous parties in the world. All this for being born into the right family and marrying money. Granted, she is apparently getting divorced from her husband, aptly named “Topper”, but she hasn’t lacked for male attention and has been linked to many eligible men about town. 

I know the grass isn’t always greener, but on some level, it must be pretty nice to be Tinsley.

Happy Groundhog Day! Does Punxsutawney Phil Have The Best Job in the World?

Will we have six more weeks of winter? Only minutes will tell.

Punxsutawney Phil— and his doppelgängers throughout the country (General Beauregard Lee in Georgia) — might just have the best job available today. Who else but this legendary member of the squirrel family gets pampered in a cushy burrow and only has his chubby butt trotted out one day out of the year to perform one of the most menial tasks known to man: To see or not see his shadow?

Today is Groundhog Day, and thousands of folks are currently gathered in the Pennsylvania village of Punxsutawney to see whether or not Phil will predict six more weeks of winter weather or an early spring. Phil has been providing this service to the public since 1887.

Just like the American worker, though, Phil is being threatened by technology. PETA is reportedly asking the official Punxsutawney Groundhog Club to retire Phil to a sanctuary and replace him with an electronic groundhog.

