Category Archives: Uncategorized

Miss Pink Slip on Indefinite Hiatus

Hi everyone,

It’s already pretty obvious, but I’m taking an indefinite hiatus from Miss Pink Slip. As much as I love writing this blog, and writing in general, I just can’t keep up with everything right now. 🙂

I hope all of you are finding your employment dreams coming true. If not, they will be soon. I have all the faith in the world in you!



Happy (Belated) 1st Birthday, Miss Pink Slip!

Happy belated birthday to me! Happy belated birthday to me!

I completely forgot that Miss Pink Slip celebrated its first birthday on Tuesday, February 9!

Thank you all for continuing to read–even if you just happened up my little blog because I made you look or you were searching for a Bachelor recap on Google.  

Mwahhh! XOXO

Snowmaggedon 2010 Got You Down? Take a Snow Day, Job Seekers!


Is anyone working on the East Coast?

Has the Snowpocalypse put a halt to your job search? Or are you still digging in, networking and interviewing? I say give yourself an excuse to take a break. Take a snow day, watch movies in your pajamas, drink hot chocolate and cuddle on the couch with your dog and a blanket. Give yourself permission to be worthless. Job hunters deserve a day off, too!

If, however, you’re continuing the search, tell me how you’re making progress in the midst of this blizzard. How are you being productive?


Saints 31, Colts 17 — Proof Positive ANYTHING Can Happen

Do you need any more proof that you can make the impossible possible?

Just look to the Saints and the City of New Orleans as they celebrate their first-ever Super Bowl Championship.

Laissez bon temps roulez!

Three Things the Unemployed Can Learn from the New Orleans Saints

Who ‘dat! Who ‘dat! Who ‘dat thought the Saints would ever make it to a Super Bowl!

It’s the miracle of all miracles – once the worst of the worst in the NFL, the New Orleans Saints have made it to the main stage of professional football…the Super Bowl.

I’m not going to go into all the sentiment, because likely you’ve seen it on television or read it in the newspaper. They’re calling the Saints “America’s Team”, and no franchise in NFL history has deserved it more.

If you’re unemployed and have struggled for months (maybe even a year) to land that full-time gig, you probably know how the Saints felt until this year. Since 1967, they have been the punching bag of the NFL. In fact, it took until 1987 for them to have a successful season. But after forty years of terrible records and a catastrophic hurricane, the Saints finally came out on the other side. How did they do it? And how does that apply to you and your job search? Three things:

1) Ignore the naysayers. Saints fans are loyal, to say the least. But through hard times, even those folks have turned on their beloved team.  In 1980, the Saints lost a slew games, and a local sportscaster said Saints fans should wear paper bags over their heads at games. The phrase the “Aints” became part of the local lexicon.  This team, which could have given up and eventually collapsed under negative feedback and support, pressed on and now they’re showing the naysayers what they’re made of.

If you’ve got negativity surrounding you in your job search, get rid of it. Ignore it. It won’t help anything. And believe me, if you keep going, you’ll eventually show your detractors who’s boss.

2) Ride out the storm. Loyal fans stayed with the Saints through thick and thin. And even with the Superdome lying in tatters after Katrina, the franchise got to stay in New Orleans, and the city rallied around “their” team like no other point in Saints history. 

Times may be bad, and the market may be grim, but eventually, your time will come. Try to be patient, stay positive and keep doing your best.

3) Employ some top guns. Both the team and the city used this strategy to their advantage. The Saints hired Coach Sean Payton and Drew Brees in 2006, and the rest has been history. The leadership those two have imparted on the team and its hometown have been monumental and helped highlight the talents of many other Saints players who were, frankly, under the radar.  

Sometimes you’ve got to use the right people to make you look good and help elevate you to the place you deserve to be. Don’t be afraid to find them, use them and reward them.


Dyeing for a Treat? Don’t Dismiss Guilty Pleasures

In the February issue of Town & Country, Bernie Madoff victim and former Self Magazine Editor-in-Chief Alexandra Penney discusses her upcoming book, The Bag Lady Papers: The Priceless Experience of Losing It All. Essentially, one day she was wealthy; the next, she was flat broke. She had to completely alter her existence and way of living. She made lists of things she could do without and things she had to keep. One thing she deemed necessary: her colorist.

Me too, sister! Even when I was unemployed, even as I try to save money today, I don’t know what I would do without my hair stylist and colorist Rick. In fact, I have an appointment today, and wild horses couldn’t keep me away. For God’s sake, I had to reschedule it from last week and tears pretty much accompanied the call to the salon. This may sound superficial and frivolous, but good hair makes me feel good. When my locks are scraggly and my roots look like Madonna’s, I can barely look in the mirror. Give me one afternoon with Rick? I’m a new person.

Moral of the story:  Try to keep at least one treat for yourself, even if you’re struggling financially. It could be anything from a piece of Godiva chocolate to new running shoes to a pair of earrings. For me — and Alexandra — it’s hair color. These little extravagances keep us feeling human, and for that, I don’t feel guilty at all.

Patron Saint of the Jobless: Gabourey Sidibe

I haven’t posted a Patron Saint in a while, but yesterday’s Oscar nominations prompted this very special one for me.

While not technically unemployed (she was a student at Mercy College), this 26-year old had never acted professionally. That is, until Director Lee Daniels came along auditioning for “Precious” Jones, the lead character in his film “Precious”, based on the novel Push by Sapphire. As an aside, I’ve had this book on my radar for years, but have yet to read it. It’s now on my bedside table.

Gabourey Sidibe has since become the darling of Hollywood. She’s been nominated for Best Actress in every awards program imaginable (Academy Awards, Golden Globes, SAG, BAFTA, Independent Spirit, etc.). While it seems she’s been consistently bested by Oscar shoo-in Sandra Bullock, I believe she leads the pack with her performance in this heart-wrenching film. I left the theater grasping at my heart and feeling jubilant for this girl who, on screen, goes from an abused, pregnant sixteen-year old with a four-year old child by her own father to a woman with all-out gumption and a plan. Throughout, Gabourey makes Precious real and palpable. You just want to give her a big hug. On the red carpets, Gabourey presents herself as a young, fun, confident woman. I just want to hang out with her!

Anyhoo–that is why I’m naming Gabourey Sidibe a Patron Saint of the Jobless. She went from an unknown student to a world-class actress overnight, teaching all of us that anything is possible.

Update: Groundhog Sees Shadow, Screws Up My Day

Thanks, Punxsutawney Phil. Thanks for ruining my day with the news of six more weeks of winter.

Happy Groundhog Day! Does Punxsutawney Phil Have The Best Job in the World?

Will we have six more weeks of winter? Only minutes will tell.

Punxsutawney Phil— and his doppelgängers throughout the country (General Beauregard Lee in Georgia) — might just have the best job available today. Who else but this legendary member of the squirrel family gets pampered in a cushy burrow and only has his chubby butt trotted out one day out of the year to perform one of the most menial tasks known to man: To see or not see his shadow?

Today is Groundhog Day, and thousands of folks are currently gathered in the Pennsylvania village of Punxsutawney to see whether or not Phil will predict six more weeks of winter weather or an early spring. Phil has been providing this service to the public since 1887.

Just like the American worker, though, Phil is being threatened by technology. PETA is reportedly asking the official Punxsutawney Groundhog Club to retire Phil to a sanctuary and replace him with an electronic groundhog.

Atlanta Networking Happy Hour Feb. 17 at Tavern 99

From Jenny Jeansonne:
“As many of you know I try to help the unemployed of Atlanta as much as I can.
I host free networking happy hours once a month and post job leads.
My next happy hour is Wed Feb 17th at Tavern 99.
Please RSVP via the Evite:
People can find Atlanta Job Leads at
If you are hiring or know anyone that is looking for qualified individuals – please have them email me the job description and how to apply.  I will post it (for free on my blog)
My blog and networking group began in MARCH 2009 and my blog has received over 40K visits and my networking has helped over 1000 people in the Atlanta area. And none of this would be successful without your help!
Thank you so much!”
Jenny Jeansonne